If you are in crisis call 911 or 988 for mental health emergency support. 

Access 24/7 Psychological support toll-free: 1-800-268-7708 | TDD/TTY: 1-800-567-5803

Commissionaires Kingston & Region Division (Brockville)

About the Service

Commissionaires is Canada’s largest private sector employer of veterans and the only national not-for-profit security company. At Commissionaires, we recognize the unique skills and experience veterans and reservists bring to the table. We believe their contributions are vital to our success as an organization. We value the leadership, teamwork, and discipline developed through military service; these qualities are highly transferable to the security industry.

At Commissionaires, we understand the employment challenges military spouses face and their unique situation as members of the larger military family.

Founded on the core military values of dedication, responsibility, and sense of mission, we aim to offer military families a stronger, supportive work environment where they can thrive.



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