If you are in crisis call 911 or 988 for mental health emergency support. 

Access 24/7 Psychological support toll-free: 1-800-268-7708 | TDD/TTY: 1-800-567-5803

Mainland BC Military Family Resource Centre

About the Service

Services are available to those living on the mainland of our province (as opposed to Vancouver Island, where there is an MFRC in Esquimalt and Comox); you could be a member of the Army, Navy, or Air Force, and you could be member of the Reserve or Regular Force.
While most military families on the mainland are Army Reserve, we also have families who are part of a Reserve naval unit, HMCS Discovery stationed in Stanley Park, and an Air Force Reserve unit, 192 Construction Engineering Flight in Aldergrove. As for the Army, there are units in various communities throughout the province.



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