If you are in crisis call 911 or 988 for mental health emergency support. 

Access 24/7 Psychological support toll-free: 1-800-268-7708 | TDD/TTY: 1-800-567-5803

Homes for Heros Foundation- Open Door Gala with Colonel Chris Hadfield


This formal military gala will feature local military pageantry and an uplifting presentation from Colonel Hadfield. The evening is being designed to showcase the City of Winnipeg’s rich military history, educate our guests about the Homes For Heroes Foundation, and host local Veterans and current serving Canadian Armed Forces members. The goal of this fundraising event is to garner more exposure within the Winnipeg market prior to the opening of the Winnipeg Kinsmen Veterans’ Village and to raise financial support for the build and operations of the Winnipeg Kinsmen Veterans’ Village.


375 York Ave Winnipeg Manitoba R3C 3J3





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