Do you, or others, see yourself with:
- Difficulty concentrating/short attention span
- Uncontrolled anger/aggression
- Feeling isolated
- Road rage
- Feeling out of control
- Negative thoughts
The Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs Canada have worked in partnership to deliver Operational Stress Injury Social Support (OSISS) since 2001. Family support began in 2005. We now have almost 70 team members nationally and are supported by an amazing group of trained volunteers.Who We Are
We are peers, just like you. All coordinators with OSISS have experience with Operational Stress Injury (OSI). We live with OSI day to day, either as the military member or veteran with OSI or the loved one of someone with OSI. We have all come to a point in our recovery to be able to help others going through similar experiences by offering confidential, one-on-one meetings, as well as group sessions.Why We Are Here
The OSISS network is coordinated by screened, trained peers who bring firsthand experience and practical knowledge of what it is like to struggle with an OSI or to live with someone with an OSI. Within the program, confidentiality is paramount. Your identity and discussions with us are held in confidence, except in situations of imminent harm to a person, child abuse or subpoena.Why Peer Support
If you or your family member have an OSI, the road to wellness can be hard to navigate. Peer support connects you with an understanding ear, a supportive community of people with similar experiences, help to set goals, and provide effective resources that can help. Breaking down the stigma and providing social support has led many Canadian Armed Forces members, veterans and their families to seek the help they need and change their lives for the better.CAF Members / Veterans
If you are in crisis or distress, please contact 911, the Canadian Suicide Prevention line at 1-833-456-4566 or the VAC assistance line at 1-800-268-7708. If not please continue below